
1 & 2 Chronicles is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Chronicles are more than a history of ancient Israel under the ascent and rule of the Davidic dynasty. They are a story whose grand theme is hope. Great battles are fought, heroes and tyrants vie for power, Israel splits into rival kingdoms, and the soul of God’s holy nation oscillates between faithlessness and revival. Yet above this tossing sea of human events, God’s covenant promises reign...

Yahweh’s victory, although the “Desert of Jeruel” cannot be identified with certainty (20:16). The prediction that the people of Judah will see God’s victory “tomorrow” (20:17) is a reminder of the urgency of the situation, as the coalition armies are only a day’s march from Jerusalem! The response of Jehoshaphat and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the prophetic oracle of Jahaziel has affinities to both covenant-renewal liturgy and the temple liturgy in Old
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